The Connection Between Proper Hydration and Weight Loss

woman drinking water

For years now, we’ve all been told to drink more water. After all, the body is about 60% water, and we lose it constantly through sweat and urination. Many of us know already we’re supposed to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day to prevent dehydration.

But what if you’re trying to lose weight? Is there a connection between water consumption and weight loss?

It turns out there is. In fact, proper hydration is one of the most important tools in any successful diet.

In this article, we’ll go over the connection between hydration and weight loss. Once you have the facts, you’ll be on your way to achieving your weight-loss goals. Let’s go!

Some General Benefits of Water

Before looking at the connection between water consumption and weight loss, let’s see why water is good for you in general.

After all, achieving a healthy weight isn’t just about a number on a scale. It leads to numerous health benefits and a more healthy lifestyle overall.

Because of this, it’s important to make hydration a lifelong habit. That way, you reap the most health benefits.

You can live for about three weeks without food. Water, however, is a different story. Most people last only three or four days without water. That shows you how important it is not only for good health but also basic survival.

Drinking water has so many benefits we can’t list them all in this article. For now, let’s go over some of the most important ones.

Digestion and Elimination

Water is essential for good digestion, and it also helps your body flush out waste. Water prevents constipation, and it also decreases your risk of kidney stones and UTIs.

Reduces Fatigue

How many of us suddenly feel tired come mid-afternoon? The reason is most likely dehydration.

Water helps fight these mid-afternoon slumps. When you drink more water, you’ll notice you have more energy. In addition, you’ll see you have improved focus and concentration throughout your day.

Lubricates Your Joints

Water keeps your joints lubricated and also makes your muscles more elastic. Joint pain is, therefore, less likely, as are cramps and sprains.

Keeps Skin Looking Young

Sufficient hydration is essential for youthful-looking skin. It’s a free anti-aging treatment!

Prevents and Treats Headaches

Many headaches are caused by dehydration. Water, then, can help prevent as well as relieve headaches.

Regulates Body Temperature

Water is stored in our skin. When activated by the sweat glands, it’s released. As it evaporates, it cools our bodies down.

We know this process as sweating, and it’s a very effective way of regulating body temperature.

Now let’s see how water aids specifically in weight loss. Read on for more information.

Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Fat?

The answer is, yes. Water is an essential part of any weight-loss program. Below, we’ll show you why.

Less Fatigue, Better Workouts

Above we saw how drinking water can increase your energy levels. The opposite is true with dehydration.

In fact, your hydration levels have to drop by only 2% for you to experience:

  • fuzzy thoughts
  • decreased concentration
  • difficulty focusing visually

When you feel unfocused and fatigued, it’s unlikely you’ll get to the gym for that workout. And, if you do, your workout won’t be as effective.

Drink more water, then, to keep your energy levels up and your workouts at their optimum levels. Exercise and water, then, go together to help you lose weight.

More Water, Fewer Calories

This works in two ways. First, drinking water before meals aids in weight loss, especially for middle-aged and older adults. Studies have shown they consume fewer calories during the meal if they drink water beforehand.

Second, often when we’re dehydrated, we think we’re hungry. That’s because many of the symptoms are the same (think rumbling stomach, light-headedness). Drinking a glass or two of water instead of reaching for that snack will reduce calorie intake and help with weight loss.

Drinking Water, Losing Weight: Increased Metabolism

Drinking water increases the number of calories you burn. Why? Because your body has to work a little harder when you ingest water.

This surprising finding was verified by a 2003 study. It showed that a little over two glasses of water increases metabolism by 30%.

The findings applied to both men and women. What’s more, it appears that drinking just six eight-ounce glasses of water every day burns an extra 200 calories.

That’s a pain-free and easy way to use them up. And, obviously, over time, this habit can help you get rid of some extra pounds.

Water Should Replace Other Drinks

We all know soda is bad for us. It has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and poor dental health. In fact, any sugar-laden drink is not conducive to weight loss.

That’s where water comes in. If you’re drinking eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day, you have neither the time nor the room in your stomach for soda!

It’s a good idea, then, to replace soda and other sugary drinks with water for increased weight loss.

Now you know the reasons why you should drink more water to lose more weight. But, how can you incorporate more water into your daily routine? In the next section, we’ll go over some basic tips to increase hydration.

How to Drink More Water

Let’s face it. Water isn’t the most exciting beverage. How can you drink more water without it becoming a chore?

First, try adding some flavor. Lemon has long been a popular choice for flavoring water. But, limes, cucumbers, and even fruits are also good choices. Experiment and find which one you like best.

Consider also purchasing a water bottle that lets you infuse flavors. That way, you can take your flavored water with you wherever you go!

Another option is to drink sparkling or mineral water. It’s just as good for you as plain water, only it’s more exciting!

Finally, you can increase your water intake with water-rich foods. Eat a diet loaded with vegetables and fruits like cucumbers, watermelons, and grapefruit.

You’ll be adding variety as well as hydration to your diet, which will make it easier for you to stick to your goals.

Conclusion: Hydration and Weight Loss

Now you can see why water is so important for good overall health and weight loss in particular. As shown above, hydration and weight loss are connected.

Proper water intake increases your energy, boosts metabolism, and helps you consume fewer calories. It’s an easy and free way to help you lose weight.

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