Top Tips for Sticking to Your Wedding Weight Loss Plan

wedding weight loss plan

Do you want to lose weight before your wedding?

You’re not alone! A study that was conducted at Cornell University revealed that most people try to lose about 20 pounds prior to their big day.

Unfortunately, many of these people go to extreme lengths to get the job done. They crash diet and, in some cases, put their bodies at risk for the sake of losing a few extra pounds.

Rather than taking this approach, why not come up with a wedding weight loss plan and stick to it in the months before you walk down the aisle? It doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think and will pay off in the end.

Here are some tips that will help you stick with your wedding weight loss plan, even when times get tough.

Figure Out How Much Weight You Realistically Want to Lose

Before you sit down and create a wedding weight loss plan, it’s important for you to take a long look in the mirror–both figuratively and literally–and decide exactly how much weight you want to lose.

Do you want to lose 10 pounds? 25 pounds? 50 pounds? More?

Coming up with a number will allow you to work towards a goal. And when you see yourself making progress, it’ll be easy to stay motivated and stick with the weight loss plan you came up with.

If you’re not sure how much weight you want to lose, speak with your doctor about it. They can give you a better idea of what your target goal should be.

Create a Wedding Weight Loss Plan That Will Work for You

Once you decide how much weight you want to lose, it’ll be time to create a wedding weight loss plan that will work for you. You plan should include a healthy mix of eating better and working out.

There are some people who mistakenly believe they’re going to shed pounds by simply downing salads for lunch every day. There are others who are under the impression that they’re going to hit their target weight by simply running 2 miles every other day.

The truth is that you need to diet and work out in most cases to see real results. If you only do one or the other, you’re shortchanging yourself and probably won’t lose as much weight as you want.

Regardless of what your individual weight loss plan looks like, make sure it works for you. If you’re having trouble getting started, talking to a nutritionist or a personal trainer might be a good place to begin.

Ask Your Groomsmen or Bridesmaids If They’ll Support You Along the Way

You’re going to lean on your groomsmen or bridesmaids for so many different things in the months, weeks, and days leading up to your wedding. Why not lean on them for support as you attempt to lose weight, too?

There’s a good chance that at least one of them is going to be dieting and working out in preparation for your wedding. Ask them if you can diet and work out together in an effort to lose weight at the same time.

By holding each other accountable, there’s a much better chance of you both sticking to your wedding weight loss plans.

Keep Unhealthy Foods Out of Your Home

One of the keys to staying with a wedding weight loss plan is removing temptation from your life.

If you’re the type of person who keeps cookies, cakes, and ice cream in your home almost all the time, you should remove them immediately when you commit to losing weight. Otherwise, they could serve as an unwelcome temptation at any time.

You should also resist the urge to eat out at places that serve unhealthy foods. The occasional cheat day isn’t the worst thing in the world. But you don’t want to get into the habit of surrounding yourself with foods that are bad for you on a regular basis.

Learn to Manage Your Stress Effectively

A recent study showed that 96 percent of people feel some level of stress when they’re preparing for a wedding. Wedding stress is, clearly, a very real thing.

If you’re not careful, the stress you feel when wedding planning can lead to you turning to food for comfort. That food will work against your weight loss plan and cause you to gain weight instead of losing it.

Instead of turning to comfort food to deal with stress, try to find another outlet that will bring down your stress levels. Going for a run or taking a yoga class is a good way to beat stress and lose weight at the same time.

Try and Get as Much Sleep as You Can

If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’re not going to lose as much weight as you potentially could. Science has proven this over and over again, and yet, there are many people who still don’t get enough sleep.

Sleep will help you lose weight quicker and provide you with all kinds of other health benefits that will help you in both the short and long term.

Remind Yourself Why You Want to Lose Weight All the Time

When you first start trying to follow a wedding weight loss plan, it’s a good idea to hang up a photo of a bride and groom standing at an altar looking their best.

By doing this, you’ll provide yourself with a constant reminder of what you want to look like when your wedding day arrives. It’ll be a little easier going to the gym and resisting that cookie when you’ve got your goal in mind.

Start Using Your Wedding Weight Loss Plan Today

Coming up with and sticking to a wedding weight loss plan shouldn’t feel like torture. It should make you feel good to know that you’re taking the right steps to get yourself ready for your wedding.

If you stick to the tips listed here, you’ll improve your chances of staying with your weight loss plan and see results in the end. You’ll be glad you did when you’re exchanging your vows.

Read our blog for more tips on losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle.