Smart Budgeting Tips That Will Help You Save Money When Cooking Meals

We’ve all heard the phrase “eating healthy is expensive”. Nobody knows when or where this term came into play, but if this is the reason you’re not cooking healthy meals at home, fear not – it’s not true! 

We all have to eat, and one of the best ways to eat well, and save money, is by cooking most of your meals at home. 

If you don’t have much experience cooking, the new experience could be costly, but don’t worry, we’re here to teach you the ins-and-outs of smart budgeting cooking meals at home.   

Make a Weekly Meal Plan & Grocery List

The best way to save money when grocery shopping is to plan ahead.

At the beginning of each week, make a meal plan of all the meals you want to cook throughout the week. Make sure to factor in breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Once you’ve figured out what you want to make, put together a list of everything you’ll need to make it happen.

If you’re really new to cooking at home and need some easy dinner ideas, start simple with staples like eggs, pasta, and toast to ease you in.  

Another sub-tip to save money when cooking at home is to make meal plans with what you already have. Base your meal plan around ingredients you already have on hand, and buy whatever you’re missing at the store.

Don’t Go Grocery Shopping Hungry 

We’ve all been there — you go to the store for milk and eggs, and come back with three bag-fulls of food you didn’t even need. 

This might sound silly, but you impulse-buy more food when you go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Stop the money-spending cycle by going grocery shopping, or even ordering groceries online, while fully satiated.   

Implement Meatless Monday 

It doesn’t have to be Monday, but eating less meat in your diet is a great way to save money and can even result in better overall health. 

Meat is easily one of the most expensive items at the grocery store. The average price of chicken nationally is $3.27 per pound compared to tofu at $2 per pound, and beans at around $1.39 per pound. 

Avoid Food Waste

Do you know what the best way to avoid food waste is? Eating all of your food!  

Food waste is an important topic when it comes to fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. If you don’t buy fresh produce due to fear of food waste, frozen produce is a great alternative for you. Produce is frozen at peak freshness, and can even be better for you than fresh produce at times. 

Truly avoiding food waste goes back to well planning your meals. The better you plan, the less likely you are to let food go bad in your fridge.  

Smart Budgeting When Cooking Has Never Been Easier 

The best way to save money when cooking at home is to plan ahead. By doing so, you avoid food waste and reduce the amount of impulse buying during your trip to the grocery store. By following these smart budgeting tips you will be a pro at cooking at home on a budget! 

Did you enjoy learning about smart budgeting while cooking from home? Check out our website for more healthy lifestyle tips.