4 of the Top Trending Diets You Should Try This Year

Top Trending Diets

In the US, 73.6% of adults over 20 are either overweight or obese. Our nation clearly has an issue with weight, which means you likely do as well.

Getting enough exercise is just half of the effort in getting trim. Watching what you eat is the other!

But diets are always coming and going. What’s going to work for you?

To help you out, here are 4 of the top trending diets of 2021!

1. Keto Diet

The keto diet’s been trending for a few years now, and there’s no sign of it going away. This makes it one of the top diets of all time!

The diet works by forcing your body into ketosis. This is where you don’t use glucose as your main source of energy. Instead, you use ketones.

To achieve, this, you’ll eat lots of fat, a moderate amount of protein, and very little carbs.

2. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is where you switch between periods where you don’t eat anything at all and ones where you can eat. There are several variations to this, such as the 5:2 and the 16:8 diets.

With the 5:2 diet, you can eat normally for 5 days (no binging). Then, for the next 2, you fast, which means eating just eating 500 to 600 calories per day.

With 16:8, you have an 8-hour window every day to eat. When that passes, you can’t eat anything for the other 16 hours.

3. CICO Diet

The “CICO” in “CICO diet” stands for “calories in, calories out”. We’d argue that this is one of the top diets to go on because it’s very flexible, which means it’s more sustainable in the long term.

The concept is simple: you figure out how many calories you’re burning every day (calories out), and then eat under that (calories in) to create a caloric deficit. As a result, this will burn fat!

You’ll have to track your calorie intake, but trust us, this diet works very well, so long as you eat healthy!

4. DNA Diet

The DNA diet is where you tailor your diet to your unique genetic makeup. Usually, it’ll take into account things like a genetic mutation that affects how your body breaks down phenylalanine and absorbs vitamin D.

Because of this, the DNA diet isn’t one specific diet. Instead, it’s any that takes a closer look at your genes and creates a diet surrounding that. Using the examples above, you might go on the phenylketonuria (PKU) diet, which has to do with how your body processes phenylalanine.

To learn how it works, DietCypher explains more!

Try Out These Trending Diets

If you’re struggling with your weight, you might want to try one of the trending diets above.

The important thing to remember is that you have to exercise and keep up with your diet. The results will come from you making a lifestyle change and not just sticking to fad diets. Only then will you lose weight and keep it off!

If you liked reading about the top 2021 diets, then find out more about health and fitness by reading the rest of our blog!