Top 8 Best Fruits for Weight Loss

best fruits for weight loss

How to Pick the Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Eating any fruit is going to help me lose weight, isn’t it? Not so fast: some fruits actually do a better job at this than others.

We’re going to cut through the cocktail of fruit on the supermarket shelves for you and find out what’s king of the crop.

Our simple guide is designed to help you choose the best fruits for weight loss.

Here are our top 8 fruity picks that could help you shed those unwanted pounds.

1. Apples

At the top of the tree is our crunchy friend, the apple. They’re easy to carry. They’re also full of fiber, so they’ll make you feel full and can help ward off the hunger pangs.

Research has found that a daily increase of fiber in your diet can reduce the amount of fat your body stores, which can help you lose weight.

The time of day you eat fruit can also have an effect on weight loss. Munching an apple before a meal can leave you feeling satisfied so that you then eat fewer calories.

How you consume your apple also matters. Chewing a raw apple takes longer than drinking a glass of apple juice, for example. The length of time it takes to eat your fruity friend can add to feelings of fullness.

2. Watermelons

When you tuck into a slice of watermelon, you’ve scored a hat-trick. This fruit is fat-free, has a high water content and will satisfy a sweet tooth.

Washing down watermelon will help ensure you stay hydrated. It’s a sweeter alternative to plain water, will also help you feel fuller.

Watermelons contain far fewer calories than some of their high energy counterparts like bananas. But, they’ll give you energy, they’re rich in nutrients, and they make for a great snacking option.

3. Grapefruit

Sharp but refreshing, grapefruits are a great food for breakfast and are very low in calories. Like watermelon, they have a very high water content, so are ideal for keeping hydrated.

Grapefruit contains enzymes which are thought to help burn up fat. This puts it in a special class of superfoods thought to help with losing weight.

A study carried out by the journal Metabolism found evidence that eating grapefruit before meals may help reduce belly fat and lower cholesterol levels.

4. Blueberries

When it comes to berries, these bad boys are the best of the bunch.

They’re packed with nutrients, and they help fight fat by boosting metabolism and burning calories.

The clue could also be in the color. There is evidence that red and purple fruits like blueberries boast special “zero belly” properties.

Frozen blueberries are ideal in a smoothie or breakfast shake. Or, spruce up your breakfast cereals or yogurt with a handful of fresh berries.

5. Raspberries

They may be small but they can pack a punch. Raspberries are low in calories and have the highest fiber content of any fruit.

They are excellent detoxifiers and bowel cleansers. Plus, these babies are packed with strong, natural chemicals which could aid weight loss and even prevent fat from forming.

When it comes to fruits of the forest, raspberries are a weight loss winner and a great alternative for a mid-meal snack.

6. Pomegranates

The pomegranate is one of the most nutritious fruits on earth. Its seeds are rich in antioxidants, and fiber. They are low in calories, have a high water content and are great to chew.

This fruit will help you burn fat and boost your metabolism. Pomegranate juice can also act as an appetite suppressant, so ideal as a snack between meals.

Getting enough fiber without a big calorie intake can be a tall order. This is where the mighty pomegranate can help. One fruit contains almost half your daily recommended intake of fiber.

It might not be the ideal fruit to eat on the way to the gym, but a sprinkling of seeds will brighten up your salads.

7. Oranges

Putting some orangey zing in your diet can certainly help with weight loss. They’re big. This means they’re going to help you feel full.

Oranges are considered a negative calorie fruit. Calorie for calorie, they contain less energy than your body uses up to digest them.

Oranges come in a vast array of varieties so there are usually always some types in season.

Remember they’re an ideal salad filler as well as superb for juicing or eating whole.

8. Avocados

Avocados are rich in fats which are considered good for us. They’re a great alternative to foods which contain saturated fat as part of a calorie controlled diet.

These soft green fruits will speed up metabolism by burning fat and boosting energy. They also contain no sugar, unlike most other fruit.

Eating an avocado regularly will help you lose weight and stay fit. So, whether you make a salad or a guacamole, the difference to your weight should become obvious.

Why Our Fruit Selection Will Help Keep You Trim

When it comes to the best fruits for weight loss, some fruits do it better than others. Our top picks have been selected as they offer a variety of ways proven to help.

Those high in fiber, rich in antioxidants and with a high water content tend to score well.

Fiber suppresses the appetite in a natural way. It can help stop unnecessary snacking between meals. Apples, pears, and berries are highly recommended.

A diet high in foods which are rich in antioxidants can speed up your metabolism. This will help you burn up fat. Blueberries are at the top of our list.

Water is helpful for weight loss because it is calorie-free. Eating fruit with a high water content can help you burn more calories. Think oranges or quench your thirst on a sweet slice of watermelon.

So, eating a variety of fruits will be key, and eating fruit before meals will help you eat less and can trick your body into thinking you are full.

Find out about more weight loss tips and tricks by visiting us here.