10 Exercises for Small Spaces When You Have to Workout Inside

Woman Exercising in a Small Space

Just because you’re in a small space doesn’t mean you have to settle for mediocre workouts. There are tons of great exercises available for inside spaces that require minimal equipment, space, and can strengthen and tone your body.

But it can be hard to figure out which exercises are worth it.

To save you time, we’ve provided a list of the ten great exercises for small spaces when you’re stuck inside.

1. Jumping Rope 

If you don’t like running and you’re looking to get some great cardio, try jumping rope. Jumping rope is a great exercise to increase your heart rate and one of the quickest ways to burn lots of calories. 

It’s a full-body workout, toning your calves, improving your lung capacity, and building your endurance in just 15 mins! 

If you want a real fat burner workout, try jumping in intervals and adding bodyweight exercises in between. 

2. Kettlebell Exercises

Kettlebell workouts are a great way to incorporate both strength training and cardio. Since kettlebells are relatively small, you will have no problem doing these workouts in small quarters. 

If you’re looking for full-body strength training, try kettlebell swings.

Kettlebell swings require you to “swing” the weight, holding it by the handle directly in front of you. Make sure your arms stay straight. Then let the weight pull you back down into a squat. 

Use your legs to continuously swing the weight back and forth, similar to a pendulum. Try three sets of 10! 

3. Wall Squats/Sits

If you don’t have any equipment and want to build strength in your legs, try wall squats or wall sits. A classic exercise, this movement will have your legs burning in no time! 

All you need to do is drop into a squat and hold for as long as you can bear it. Make sure you keep your back straight. Rest for 10-15 seconds and then repeat.

If you have a wall, put your weight against the wall and drop into a seated position. 

4. Yoga

Yoga is a great way to increase strength and flexibility if you want to get in exercise while living in an apartment. Yoga can be done just about anywhere, but you’ll need a mat for support. 

Yoga has a ton of documented benefits and is suitable for all age groups. It can decrease stress and provide helpful body awareness. 

If you’re a beginner, start slow and be patient. Through consistent practice, you’ll see some significant improvements!

5. Resistance Band Exercises 

If you’re focused on toning your upper body but don’t have enough space for barbells, try grabbing resistance bands. Resistance bands are one of the essentials when it comes to exercise equipment for apartment living.

You can use resistance bands for bicep curls, chest press, and shoulder press. Depending on your apartment space, you can sit or stand while completing these exercises. 

You can tie the band around a door or wrap it around the bottom of your feet to increase resistance. 

6. High Knees

If you’re exercising in a small space, like a New York City apartment, high knee sprints could become your best friend. It’s an intense way to build stamina and burn calories. 

All you have to do is run in place with your knees up high. Run as fast as you can in place for 30 seconds. Then rest for 30 seconds. Try repeating this up to 5 times for a fast cardio burn!

7. Pushups

Pushups are a great way to build core strength and tone your chest in tiny spaces. Depending on the muscle group you want to target, there are several pushup variations, including diamond pushups, wide-grip pushups, spider-man pushups, or traditional pushups. 

If you’re looking for an extra challenge, try clap pushups to improve your power and explosiveness. 

After consistent practice, you’ll be surprised at your quick improvement. Start with a base number and try adding reps every week. 

8. Supermans 

Supermans is an excellent exercise for strengthening your back and only requires an exercise mat. It is an effective way of building core strength and strength for your lower-back muscles. 

Lay down flat on your stomach and slowly lift your upper torso, keeping your eyes on the ground. Keep your arms wide, squeeze at the top, and then drop back down. 

Try holding for 30 seconds and repeating up to 5 sets. If you have back issues, be conservative in your motion. Keep in mind that even small lifts can make a huge difference.

9. Mountain Climbers 

If you want to combine core and leg strength, along with some cardio, try mountain climbers. 

Mountain climbers can be done anywhere, with or without an exercise mat. However, you may want a towel to prevent slipping if you’re someone who sweats a lot. 

Get into a plank position with your arms straight on the ground and then pump your legs back and forth behind you. Go as fast as you can for 30-45 second bursts and then rest. 

Try repeating 3-5 sets (as they are much harder than they look). 

10. Elevated Lunges 

Probably one of the best leg exercises you can do is lunges because they target multiple leg muscles. 

Elevated lunges are a great variation of lunges if you don’t have a lot of space. You’ll need a chair or stool, but since it’s a stationary movement, you can do it from anywhere in your home. 

The chair or stool provides the elevation for your back foot, while you drop into a lunge position. Make sure you engage your glutes and keep your front knee directly over your ankle. 

This exercise will fatigue your legs quickly, so start conservatively. 

Achieve Fitness With the Best Exercises for Small Spaces

It can be challenging to workout in small spaces, but now you have no excuses. These ten exercises for small spaces are effective ways to burn calories and tone your muscles with minimal to no equipment.

If you’re looking for an even better workout, consider combining some of the exercises for a full-body burn. 

Don’t put this off any longer; it’s time to get moving!

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