Apple Cider for Weight Loss: Everything You Wanted to Know

apple cider for weight loss

Nearly 50 percent of Americans have a weight loss goal. But, many of these people have no idea how to go about reaching that goal.

There’s so much conflicting information out there regarding weight loss, it can be hard to know what to believe and what to disregard.

Take, for example, the apple cider vinegar trend. Is there any merit to drinking apple cider vinegar to lose weight? Are the folks who consume it every day on to something, or have they just been duped?

Read on to learn more about why everyone’s talking about apple cider for weight loss.

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Before we get into the weight loss benefits of apple cider vinegar, let’s go over what it is.

Apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar that is made from fermented apple juice.

To make apple cider vinegar, apples are first crushed and then squeezed to separate the juice from the fruit. Yeast and bacteria are added next to begin the fermentation process.

During the first step of the fermentation process, the sugars in the juice are converted to alcohol. During the second step, acetic acid-forming bacteria convert the alcohol to vinegar.

What Does the Research Say About Apple Cider for Weight Loss?

What’s so great about apple cider vinegar? Why are people chugging this stuff down to try and lose weight? Is there any research to support it?

Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help with Blood Sugar Control

Some research shows that drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal can help to block starch absorption. This, in turn, helps to improve blood flow and balance out blood sugar and insulin levels.

When you control your blood sugar, you’re less likely to experience energy crashes after eating. You’re also less likely to overeat or give in to cravings. These benefits can help you stick to your diet and lose weight.

Apple Cider Vinegar Can Promote Fullness

The results of a Japanese study showed that participants who drank an apple cider vinegar drink lost a modest amount of weight (between two and four pounds) over a 12-week period.

These folks may have lost weight because they felt fuller after eating. This, in turn, caused them to eat less and resist cravings.

Apple Cider Vinegar Aids in Digestion

Some people who suffer from digestive disorders like chronic heartburn may suffer from them because their stomach acid levels are too low.

If this is the case, drinking apple cider vinegar can help to balance out these acid levels and improve digestion. When your digestion improves, you’re able to absorb more nutrients from your food. This can help you feel more satiated after meals.

Proper digestion also means you’re less likely to deal with issues like bloating and constipation, which can cause the number on the scale to rise.

Who Should Drink Apple Cider Vinegar?

There are some benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar if you want to lose weight. But, apple cider vinegar definitely is not for everyone.

Some people ought to avoid consuming it, including those who suffer from the overgrowth of a bacteria called H. Pylori. Apple cider vinegar can cause serious stomach irritation to those who are dealing with H. Pylori overgrowth.

If you know that you have esophageal damage or ulcers, you also should probably avoid apple cider vinegar.

How to Incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar into Your Routine

If you think apple cider vinegar might be helpful to you, you’re probably wondering how you need to take it. Do you drink it by the glass? Do you need to dilute it?

When it comes to incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet, it’s best to take the “less is more” approach. Start with just a small amount–1-2 teaspoons is plenty.

Remember to always dilute your apple cider vinegar with water, too. You should have at least a 2:1 ratio of water to vinegar (2 teaspoons of water for 1 teaspoon of vinegar). But, there’s nothing wrong with adding more water to your glass.

You also don’t have to take apple cider vinegar in “shot” form.

Lots of people do this because they don’t like the taste. But, you can also mix it with a mug of room temperature water and sip it to experience the same benefits.

Most people consume apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. They may also drink it 30-60 minutes before their meals.

Whether you take it in the morning or before a meal, it’s generally best to drink it before eating anything. It’s also a good idea to avoid drinking it right before bed — this could cause heartburn and digestive problems.

What Else Can You Do to Lose Weight?

Apple cider vinegar can be a helpful tool to help you lose weight. But, it shouldn’t be the only thing you rely on.

There are lots of other things you can do to reach your weight loss goals, including:

  • Count calories or macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fats) to make sure you’re eating less than you burn
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Get plenty of sleep (this makes it easier to resist cravings)
  • Eat plenty of fiber and protein to stay full in between meals
  • Exercise regularly to burn more calories

If you’re not doing any these things, make them a priority first. You’ll probably notice more of a difference than you would by just drinking apple cider vinegar. You can always add it in later for some extra benefits.

Looking for More Weight Loss Advice?

There is some merit to the apple cider for weight loss trend. But, apple cider vinegar shouldn’t be the only thing you incorporate into your routine if you want to lose weight and keep it off.

There are lots of other strategies you can use to lose weight, including tracking macronutrients, eating plenty of fiber, and getting enough sleep. Apple cider vinegar can be a good addition to these other techniques, but it probably won’t be super effective on its own.

Do you want to learn other weight loss strategies?

If so, check out the weight loss tips and tricks section of our site today. You’ll find all kinds of helpful articles here on diet, exercise, supplements, and more.