How to Set Weight Loss Goals You Can Actually Achieve

weight loss goals

Given that 70 percent of Americans are overweight, you should never feel like you’re all alone when you’re struggling with weight problems.

However, if you don’t set achievable weight loss goals, you’ll never be able to meet the goal you’re aiming to reach. You need to work hard and stay focused when working to meet your goals as well as setting them.

Here are five tips for setting achievable goals.

1. Set Up Daily Food Goals

There’s no magic to losing weight and there are no real shortcuts. The only way to lose weight is to eat right and to exercise. Of course, this is easier said than done, which is why so many people struggle with their weight.

If you’re struggling with weight loss goals, you need to make permanent changes in the way you live. Willpower isn’t enough. You need to take control of every eating decision that you make.

There need to be daily goals set up for you that direct what you do and don’t eat. Think about every meal and every time you choose an unhealthy food decision throughout the week. Map out every single meal, from when you get up in the morning to what you have for lunch at work, to what you make for dinner. 

The more that you cook, the more control you’ll have over your meals. When you make your own lunch, you get to measure how much dressing is on your salad, how much mayo is on your sandwich, and how much salt you add.

Don’t start off by starving yourself. Replace large quantities of unhealthy food, like a burger and fries, with a very large salad and a bowl of fruit. It might take some time, but after accounting for the kind of food you eat, you can then start accounting for portions. 

2. Set Up Weekly Exercise Goals

If you want to lose weight, you’ve got to do something with the pounds that melt off of your body or you’re going to be unhappy with what you end up with. You need to add more physical activity to your life to ensure that you tighten up that extra skin on your body. You’ll also find that physical activity is going to accelerate weight loss.

However, you need to have a weekly schedule for your exercise. You also need to be aware that your first few weeks of exercise are going to be difficult. It’s going to take you some time to get comfortable with the exhaustion and the soreness you might feel at first but you’re going to be happy with the outcome.

You’re not going to be running or biking as fast or as long as you might like at first. It takes time to build up speed and endurance. However, if you keep at it, you’ll end up surprising yourself with how fast or how far you can go.

Depending on your age and mobility, there is going to be a routine out there for you. Perhaps some lifting and yoga are what you’re looking for. If this is the case, talk to a trainer to see how they can help.

3. It’s Not a Straight Line

Reaching your weight loss goals isn’t going to be a simple journey. You’re going to have good weeks and bad weeks. You’ll have weeks where you did everything right and still end up weighing more by the end of it than you did last week.

While you’re losing weight, you’re going to be contending with your body’s take on the situation. If you’re new to exercising or losing weight, your body might react by helping you store fat. If you’re putting on a lot of fo muscle, you can’t think in terms of weight anymore because muscle is dense and heavy.

Losing weight is challenging as you get older as well. You’ll find that you need to do much more work to lose weight than you did when you were younger. You’ll also find that your body stores fat much easier as you get older.

Make sure you forgive yourself as you work toward your weight loss goals. There is no direct path and it takes time.

4. You Are What You Drink

If you want to reach your weight loss goals faster, one of the big tricks is to change what you consume when you’re getting hydrated. Most people don’t realize how the liquids they drink impact their body.

If you’re drinking soda on a regular basis, it’s going to have more calories than some candy bars. You’re ruining all of your work if you pick up a can of soda with lunch and dinner every day.

You also need to watch out for alcohol. It dehydrates you and slows down the metabolic process.

You want to drink at least eight glasses of water a day if not more. It’ll make your skin glow and keep the pounds off. You’ll also be able to fill up when you’re hungry by drinking a few glasses of ice cold water.

5. Work With a Friend

If you’re trying to reach your weight loss goals on your own, you should have a friend to help hold you accountable. Also, it’s much more fun to visit the gym with a friend.

Talk to people around you and you’re sure to find someone else who’s struggling with losing weight. Pair up with someone and check in with them weekly to keep up on one another’s goals. Be supportive and happy when they reach goals they’ve set out to meet.

Weight Loss Goals Are In Your Reach

If you’re looking to meet weight loss goals that seem hard to reach, then it’s all about setting ones that are within your grasp. If you change the way you approach weight loss, you can ensure you’ll end up with a result you’re happy with.

To make sure you’re eating the right snacks to help you lose weight, check out our guide for tips.