Game Changer! 5 Benefits of Hemp Oil That Can Change Your Life

hemp oil

You have pain. You can’t sleep. Your friends say you’re moody.

You live on over-the-counter life management. Your joints still hurt. You don’t sleep well and the name Ms. Moody or Mr. Grumpus makes more sense every day.

What do you do when you’ve tried everything including the prescription your doctor gave you? The one that made you feel more sick and tired than ever.

You won’t find the solution at your doctor’s office or the shelves of your local pharmacy.

You may find your answer from plant therapy.

Yes. Plant therapy. From the oil of a plant comes healing.

Continue reading and find out 5 life changing benefits of hemp oil. It’s legal, effective, and people like you use it every day!

The Confusion Over Hemp Oil

People often get confused when they hear hemp oil. Hemp, often associated with clothing products, comes from a plant. Manufacturers make fabric, rope, and even paper from the plant fibers. Hemp oil also comes from a plant but from the seeds rather than the fibers.

What’s even more confusing is when people talk about cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp together. CBD is a compound found in cannabis.

Who hasn’t heard of cannabis? It’s all over the news and has been for years. The confusion comes from discussing something illegal in the same conversation with something legal.

Some people panic when they hear about hemp oil because they confuse it with hash oil, which is completely illegal.

Don’t let confusion prevent you from experiencing the benefits of hemp oil. One of the most popular is pain relief.

1. Pain Management

In 2016 an estimated 50.0 million adults in the U.S. said they lived with chronic pain.

If you’ve experienced pain for even a short time you know what desperation feels like. You’d do almost anything if it relieved the pain.

Over-the-counter medications usually not effective for chronic pain. Prescription pain medications like opioids come with their own set of problems. They’re addictive and for some people, ineffective.

People use hemp oil for its pain-relieving effects. One way it works on pain is by reducing inflammation, a known contributor to body pain.

Those who use it for pain relief love that is doesn’t cause the unpleasant side effects of prescription and non-prescription medications. Along with chronic pain, many people also deal with sleep issues.

2. Get Some Zzzzs

Most of us don’t simply fall into bed, fall asleep, and dream peacefully for the next 7-8 hours.

People who complain about sleep issues may only experience trouble here and there. Others suffer every night. Sleep disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and Restless Leg Syndrome make for a miserable night’s sleep.

Diagnosis and treatment of some sleep disorders include extensive testing and then treatment with a prescription drug. Poor sleep affects more than just your performance at work—it also causes problems with eating habits and mood.

Hemp oil, taken in the evening may be a better solution for a good night’s rest. Two of the major factors in sleep disorders are stress and anxiety.

Many people find relief from both by using hemp CBD oil, which by the way, doesn’t cause the groggy side effects expected when taking over-the-counter sleep remedies.

Read more here and learn about the ingredients of CBD oil. You’ll realize why people don’t normally feel high when using it.

3. Improve Your Mood

If you suffer from depression you know the meaning of dark and gloomy days. You also know what it feels like when you can barely get out of bed in the morning.

Depression affects every part of a person’s life and interferes with eating, sleeping, and enjoying the people you love. Depression can kill a person’s appetite but it can cause overeating.

Traditional medicine treats depression with a variety of drugs and most, if not all of them, have negative side effects. Hemp oil, on the other hand, can alleviate depression without those unpleasant effects.

People who deal with depression often deal with stress and anxiety too. Hemp oil may help!

4. Say Bye-Bye to Anxiety

If you suffer from stress and or anxiety (and the two often travel together), consider using hemp oil.

We all deal with stress! It’s a given today with our busy, often overwhelming menu of work, raising children, paying bills, and dealing with everything else that comes along. Small doses of hemp oil may provide big returns in the area of stress reduction.

Often called “the miracle” oil, CBD can also alleviate symptoms of anxiety. People who take it for that say they notice a lessening of anxiety symptoms. Many also experience an elevation in mood.

No one enjoys living with the physical and emotional effects of stress or anxiety. They visit the doctor who may send them off with a prescription. Why not try something natural instead?

Because it helps with anxiety, hemp oil may also be a positive factor in supporting heart health.

5. Healthy Hearts Like Hemp

Stress and anxiety can raise blood pressure. High blood pressure is directly related to poor heart health.

Hemp oil also has a healthy ratio between Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. This is good news for healthy hearts! We know fatty acids play a role in cardiovascular function as well as many other processes in the body.

Why not deliver a 1-2 punch by adding hemp oil to your daily regimen?

Enjoy the Benefits of Hemp Oil

We’ve shared 5 life-changing benefits of hemp oil. People who use it enjoy better sleep and a better mood. It helps with pain, something just about all of us experience at one time or another—some every day.

You may find enough relief from the dark days of depression that you can focus on better eating and have more motivation for healthy activities like exercise. Hemp oil may even help you have a healthier heart.

We hope we’ve inspired you and would enjoy partnering with you on your journey to better health. If we have, please check out more of our posts on healthy lifestyles.